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Access and Awaken your Divine Mastery Self Release from Distorted Matrices and Embrace your Destiny


  • Access and awaken your divine mastery self
  • Gain greater insight into your own unique spiritual purpose
  • Liberate your spiritual gifts and abilities that may be blocked by distorted mactrices
  • Learn what’s happening on Earth and why and how we might access more of our soul’s truth and help bring you consciously into this physical dimension
  • Experience Sacred transmission Retonements for Profound Shifts in Your Life!





Kimberly-CroweKimberly Crowe is an Everyday Mystic and is known as “The Healers’ Healer.”

She is the Sacred Witness to the Inner Awakened Mastery (“I Am”) Retonements. Kimberly is an internationally known visionary teacher, artist and transformational healer with 30 years’ experience. Kimberly witnesses the matrices of the Divine (and not so Divine). She uses this awareness to transmit multidimensional healing frequencies infused in Light Codes. She holds space to assist the awakening of your Mastery purpose for its highest expression, bypassing the rational mind and clearing obstacles to destiny embodiment. Kimberly’s transformational “I Am” retonements are received from Greater Aspect and gifted to humanity. These retonements speak directly to your core essence, activating DNA and allowing your Master Self to retone your individualized energy signature. Kimberly’s sessions accelerate life-changing solutions by transcending destructive energetic matrices so that your divine essence is fully empowered.