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Kenji Kumara unveils an all new Abundant Activation Series

“Embody Your Spiritual Vibration”


These attunements were recorded at Kenji’s LIVE Activation Event in the summer or 2013 and are available now for your spiritual development and transformation.  Kenji’s activations have literally changed the lives of countless people and are now made available for your personal use and empowerment.

If you are eagerly ready to consciously experience the full expression of Eternal Peace in every quantum moment and every cell and particle of your Being, then you are going to love Kenji’s new “Embody Your Spiritual Vibration Series” recorded live and never released until now.  Say yes to have a conscious union with Source and Embody Your Spiritual Vibration in service to yourself and Humanity.

This LIVE Master Series Intensive Event offered through

Quantum Lightweaving® was presented live to a select group of individuals and provided them with the opportunity to connect with Kenji Kumara in a whole new way. Welcome the gift of your direct connection to spirit and unlimited possibility through this transformative Master Series Intensive and dive into the quantum while connecting into the INFINITE expansion of you.

Total run time for all 11 Attunements: 4:38:38

Individual times included with the notes below.


Kenji’s Sprirtual

Vibration Package

11 MP3 Attunments

5 MP4 Videos

2 Amazing Coupons

Regularly $997

Now Just: $127


[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #1    Sweet and Sacred Foundation” color=”blue”]

Time: 24:38

Activation #1In this attunement you will be guided to:

  • Breathe, focus and be one with “all that is”
  • Ignite your DNA abilities, awaken the power of your mind and Akashic Records
  • A Soul Alert technique and eminence of light
  • Surrender to the spiral of light and release all blockages in the spine for self adjusted healing
  • Detach from the chaos of the world and Cleanse all energetic vibrations that don’t belong to you
  • Release the issues and blockages that deny you to see clearly
  • Find your sweet spot for complete grounding with Earth Mother



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #2    Team Council and GA” color=”green”]


Activation #2In this activation you will receive:

  • A Connection with your Guardian Angel and receive your divine message
  • The ability for your core issue to surface for transformation
  • Deep states of oneness in realms of light and love
  • Ability to access and store infinite amounts of information for divine right timing
  • Whispers of wisdom; droplets of light downloads
  • Access to your Soul Contract of the earth
  • Instruction to choose to be the great manifestor of divine balance in all things



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #3    Divine Assistance into Peace and Harmony” color=”blue”]


Activation #3As you listen to this energy you will:

  • Enter the field vibration of pure consciousness
  • Breath in the power of the sun and the moon
  • Call in your soul group and home world support energies
  • Be supported by your Guardian Angel and the beauty and the power of our Earth Mother
  • Bring forth your main power animal ally
  • Enter into the protective cocoon of light
  • Remove any remaining negative side affects from all technology, toxins, chemicals, bacterial viruses and the alike that would have a negative affect on your life and soul purpose



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #4     Journey to the Sacred Temple” color=”green”]


Activation #4As you are guided, listen and breathe in:

  • A cleansing breath to clear and balance all systems
  • And activate the sun chakra, the sacred space behind the heart and our ajna center
  • And activate the pillars of light and feel each power point of the pillars
  • And activate your merkaba
  • A Sacred Venetian Council Visit and a new earth energetics reveal
  • And send your organs the power of peace, tranquility calm and serenity
  • Energize the water element in your body to full maximum capacity (kidneys/Bladder)



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #5      Freedom in the Bliss ” color=”blue”]


Activation #5In this attunement you will experience and:

  • Activate the sacred areas of your brain with the light
  • Prime your energy pump and the breath of fire
  • Journey with an Angel
  • Be introduced to and assisted by QL Healing Team Member
  • Feel the Christed energy and the affects of your angelic shield
  • Request the angelic shields for your parents and children & pets
  • Know where your bliss lies



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #6     Galvanize your Light Codes” color=”green”]


Activation #6In this attunement you will be call forth and be guided to:

  • Cleanse the Soul Matrix
  • Breath in Harmony and Balance
  • Activate dormant areas of your physical and energetic CYP enzymes
  • Download Performance Initiation
  • Bring awareness to your I AM presence in preparation of Downloads
  • Receive Downloads and Gifts of the Great Spirit
  • Seal Codes in the Quantum



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #7    Sound your Horn and Swallow your Pearl” color=”blue”]


Activation #7In this attunement you will be collecting aspects of you and:

  • Call forth all the support you will ever need in this life time
  • Timeline soul travel to allow all those parts of you that you may have denied to return
  • Embody your complete allowance and self acceptance deep into your bones
  • Break away the calcification and crystallization and density around the pineal
  • Cleanse the body with the power of love
  • Collapse non-serving beliefs from first carnation to present time
  • Compress into the Pearl elixir of light and digest into your spiritual anatomy



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #8     Rebirthing with Earth’s Embracing” color=”green”]


Activation #8As you listen to this attunement you will be guided to:

  • Your rebirthing cocoon and golden sphere of light
  • A merging with Earth Mother and embraced by the power and love within her being.
  • A place of honour; for bringing peace to this planet
  • Your gifts you have brought forward in this pearl
  • Know that you are not alone and gently be guided in silence, self realization and empowerment.
  • Ride on the wings of timelessness
  • Ground your power number into the earth



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #9      Cosmic Rebirth” color=”blue”]


Activation #9As you listen to this attunement you will be guided to:

  • The Quantum Core of The Lord God of Your Being
  • Recall your mastery and conscious knowing of who you truly are
  • The knowledge and the tools for awakening and healing
  • Earth singing to the heavens and feel the song of love
  • Know you are on divine assignment
  • Alter the course of your reality on the new timeline with unlimited and endless possibilities
  • Integrate your new reality



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #10  “Cocoon of Light” Activation & Initiation” color=”green”]


Activation #10You will be supported in this quantum experience as you:

  • Ground to the oceans and rivers of earth mother
  • Work with your I AM to delete all your old earth programs
  • Move into your natural quantum still point as the voyageur
  • Energise your etheric bodies and pump your power centers
  • Receive the cocoon of light technique
  • Receive a geometric light code activation
  • “Cocoon of Light” initiation with Archangels Christopher, Gabriel, Raphael and Metatron



[ez_box title=”ACTIVATION  #11    Galactic Journey into your Pyramid of Light” color=”blue”]


Activation #11As you listen to this energy you will use the previous 10 activations to fully experience:

  • Oneness with the earth
  • Your eternal light, the great pyramid and capstone
  • The art and science of manifestation
  • Gateways, pillars, star gates and god gates
  • A cosmic level angelic shield
  • The purpose of your soul destiny in this life time
  • Close with “I AM” invincible



Kenji’s Sprirtual

Vibration Package

11 MP3 Attunments

5 MP4 Videos

2 Amazing Coupons

Regularly $997

Now Just: $127


By Purchasing This Package You will Also Get 7 Amazing Bonuses

The 5 bonuses are video activations take place live in a Master Series Combo Intensive and by listening you may experience extreme  shifts as though you were there participating and energetically you are.  It may be unlike anything you have experienced with Kenji’s Activations thus far as the work is very intense and very condensed.  Kenji holds the intent to those who listen will walk away and be very clear and get only what they are ready for.  The bowls are played by Anda Apsitis who has travelled with Kenji for almost 8 years in Quantum Lightweaving® Live Events


Video Activation #1: Waves

V1WavesGraphic2Receive each activation by sitting down on a chair or lying down on your back or on your right side.  We call on the pillars of light by simply invoking the arch angels and you will go within and notice them by sensing through your knowing and feeling. An automatic protective cocoon of light is cloaked around you and supports you through this and all activations.  Breath into the light, relax and receive.


Video Activation #2: Time Travel

V2TimetravelGraphic4Activates all the sacred centers in the brain and experience a figure eight Lightweaving pattern from one hemisphere to the other.  Anchor the soul vibration more deeply into your soul matrix; bring in more of your soul signature essence vibration into your solar plexus and own it into your center of your being.  Sun Chakra is a replica of the great central sun and like a holographic imprint in your body it will pull in as you and your source energy.


Video Activation #3: Rebirthing

V3RebirthinggraphicKenji teaches Quantum learning is not the usual way and one of the approaches is to absorb the experience first without the prior knowledge the brain usually requires of you- knowing what you are going to “do”.  Another “new earth” way of learning is having faith and trust that you will know and what you need to know is already in your field.  Learning with your whole mind/body may be a challenge at first with live activation, demonstration and experience simultaneously you receive.  You are able to view from the place of the soul and redesign your reality.


Video Activation #4: Downloads

V4DownloadsGraphic5The QL team is called in for support prior to all activations and by simply asking them, they will hold the state for you to experience downloading for your understanding and experience.  Open your storage area for you to receive the download of your choosing.


Video Activation #5: Light Cocooning

V5CocooningGraphic3A deep experience, one that often brings up old and sometimes even ancient memories.  The Cocoon of Light Wave neutralizes and is usually experienced with a light blanket over the body and often with a handkerchief over the eyes.  The idea is to help heal any memories of initiations that we may have gone through.  Some ancient initiations were to go through every fear and past life memories or phobias one would carry and it could have been very fearful or exhilarating because all the senses have been cut off and forced you to go within.  In the context of this very advanced work you are supported by the loving, embracing arch angels who come through the facilitator(s).  The voice or sound wave goes deep into the subconscious and stirs up emotion that has settled.  Very good for someone who has worked on a same issue for many years and have not seen change.


Bonus # 1: Experience a Live Event With Kenji an receive $100 Off with this coupon offer

Bonus #2: Personal Telephone Session with Kenji (20% Off Coupon)


Kenji’s Sprirtual

Vibration Package

11 MP3 Attunments

5 MP4 Videos

2 Amazing Coupons

Regularly $997

Now Just: $127