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Celebration of Existence

Art: Union of Femininity and Masculinity by Nalineenalinee-image1

In moment of shifts of consciousness; we face deaths of our ego, social and belief constructs. Together with the age of returning into balance of the femininity and masculinity, a big union and clash of the two.

All this offers opportunities for us to understand deeper about ourselves.

Once we purge the olds, we create room for something new. Then, learn to hold our divine space. Here is a space, a void, for us to manifest our new chapter.

With the presence of Elohim within our hearts, we create the life that our hearts long to live and fulfill our services here on this planet.

We shift into world where

one’s soul resonates as home,

one’s heart sings,

one’s spirit dances,

and one’s mind is reborn.

Let us shift into the state of celebration of existence as life is such a precious gift.

Topics within this talk:

  • Blessings and lessons within struggles – sharing experiences of deaths of ego.
  • Union of two genders
  • Shift of the mind
  • Keys to celebrations and joy of existence
  • Light Language Transmission.


Benefits of this talk:

  • To be inspired to see blessings and lessons in struggles and deaths of one’s ego.
  • To understand about the union of the two genders.
  • To share methods of shifting one’s state of mind, holding one’s space, and transcending the old plus welcoming in the new.
  • To align oneself with the state of joy of existence.
  • To receive Light Language transmission that assists and aligns us with our highest state of being.



Nalinee is an intuitive, a channel, healer, and painter of Light Language and beings of light.  With her gifts, she has the abilities to connect with many portals and realms, soul records, Light codes, galactic families, ascended masters, and council of light. She anchors her visions of Light language and guides in forms painting, speaking and chanting. Her awakening journey began after overcoming her struggles with eating disorders and depression.  With the assistance and support from her twin soul, Michael Graham Macdougall; she accelerates through her ascension paths within few years.

Gaining wisdom and insights from her life experiences, higher self, guides, galactic teams and Amazonian medicines; she is eager to offer her services.  Her high vibrational art has been spread; anchoring light frequencies into a healing centre in the Amazon jungle and many homes around the world.

She has also conducted guided meditations for both group and private settings. She also offers reading and private healing sessions online.  Her services include energy work and Light Language of activations, releasing densities, balancing and anchoring higher frequencies into etheric and physical bodies, connecting with star origins, soul remembrance and records reading, plus bringing forth messages of guidance and self-empowerment.

Her website – Remembering Love and Light which was built from her heart is a platform of many of her services and art. This is a gate way for her in connecting with the rest of her soul family on this planet.

Moreover, Nalinee is currently working on a book and an Oracle card deck of Light Language art.