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You Awakening Healing and Empowerment Package

Item 1


Here is “the primer” for those who would like a deep understanding of the healing process. This is rare information from the Melchizedek beings that reveals the mystery of how diseases are created and how each situation of disease can be transformed. (paperback)


Value: $20


Item 2

Plus 3 Brand New Sacred Prayer mp3s:

(Running Time: 1-3 Minutes Each)

  • 27 Esoteric Merkaba Field Prayer Of Protection
  • Prayer to Remove Manipulation From Your Personal Life (a powerful prayer to remove spiritual attacks)
  • Food Blessing And Revibration Prayer

Although short in running time, these Sacred Prayers are incredibly powerful and turn on energy field protection and blessings at the highest level. Spoken in Christopher’s unique healing-voice tones, you will benefit from learning the words to each prayer in order to repeat them throughout your day.

Value: $60

Item 3

Releasing Stress, Anxiety & Negative Thoughts Meditation (mp3)

Early on in his training with the Melchizedek Beings, Christopher was time and again shown the incredible correlation between lower vibrational thoughts and emotions becoming layered and stuck within the physical body, chakras and energy field and eventually turning into deeper levels of pain and suffering, illness and dis-ease and all-around blockages to positive manifestation and having love and joy in life.

Because this has become so widespread with people all over the world, Christopher was guided to create a special Healing Meditation for clearing these toxic thoughts and emotions and shifting the core level issues up and out, while replacing them with high-vibrational healing energy.

After a full-system energy clearing, Christopher sends in pure energy from the Ultimate Dimension, while the Melchizedek Beings go into all of the muscles affected by tension to comb out any knots and all stagnant energy. They then go into the Heart Chakra to activate 27 releases of the largest core layers of emotion being held in the heart and chest area. This is a very powerful activation and will likely trigger a large emotional release for a short period of time – normally within 2 hours of listening to this meditation or by the next day.

This Healing Meditation completes with Christopher’s beautiful Prayer of Protection.

Value: $250

Item 4

Clearing & Initiating Activation of the Pineal Gland (3rd Eye) Meditation (mp3)


The 3rd Eye Chakra has long been associated with psychic sight, telepathic vision and a direct connection from the physical to the spiritual world. The Pineal Gland is located within the 3rd Eye Chakra, behind the forehead in the middle of the brain. Shaped like a tiny pine cone, the Pineal Gland has become quite small and calcified or shut down over time within the majority of people on Earth.

As we are all stepping up our spiritual ascension process, it has become increasingly important to clear and balance our 3rd Eye Chakra and even further activate our Pineal Gland. This healing meditation will also serve to greatly assist you in re-establishing a good strong connection to your Higher Self and Divine Source.

Christopher was Divinely guided to create this special Clearing and Activation Meditation to increase the vitality and proper functioning of your Pineal Gland, while safely opening your 3rd Eye Chakra. As Christopher sweeps the entire meridian system, all negative energy, blockages, discordance, disharmony and lower vibrational presences are removed and cleared from this center of psychic awareness and spiritual communication.

Once this thorough clearing is well underway, Christopher sends energy from the Ultimate Dimension directly to the Pineal Gland for further healing. Then the Melchizedek Beings go to work in breaking down the calcification layers, which have formed around this sacred gland. Over time and with re-listening, the Pineal Gland and 3rd Eye Chakra will become lighter and more open – strengthening your connection to The Divine.

This blessed healing meditation closes with a powerful Prayer of Protection.

Value: $250

Item 5

Whole body Detox Meditation (mp3)

In this lifetime, we develop a lot of toxic build-up from living in toxic environments. The food we eat, the water we drink and even the air we breathe are filled with toxins that are not good for the body. This guided Melchizedek Meditation allows the toxins to draw out of the body, where the Melchizedek Beings switch the toxins in space and time to a different dimension. This powerful meditation will pull toxins out of the body for 24 hours – leaving you feeling like you’ve just worked out and have eaten a super clean diet for months!

Value: $60

Item 6

Releasing Regret Energy Meditation (mp3)  

Stuck energy anywhere in the body, chakras or auric field will lower your vibration. If you have any form of regret in this lifetime, it tends to store in the lower abdomen, causing issues in this area. This guided Melchizedek Meditation will take you into the Regret Center in the lower abdomen and release the negative pent up emotion lurking inside. After this guided meditation, most report back signs of euphoria, happiness and more self-worth!

Value: $60

Item 7

Wisdom Beyond Forgiveness Meditation (mp3)

We are all taught that forgiveness is essential and key in our spiritual growth. Christopher was divinely guided to create this powerful meditation to assist the listener in releasing the energy, imprints and belief systems from traumatic experiences and to move beyond the experience into wisdom. This powerful experience, aided by his energetic support, creates a new and potent pathway that assists the listener in healing from past wounds and traumas so that they can move forward in their life in balance after having received the energetic release, insight and healing from the past.

Value $60

Item 8

The Quartz Crystal Merkaba Pendant

This beautiful Quartz Crystal Merkaba Pendant is pure Brazilian Quartz that will be programmed by Christopher using the buyers name and DNA to protect the buyer from negative energies. It is recommended to be worn near the heart chakra. The pendant will come with cording for the buyer to wear. If the individual is going to change out the cording for a chain, it will need to be either pure gold, silver, hemp or leather, otherwise it will change the vibration of the pendant. And if the buyer is getting this item as a gift, please inform us of the wearer’s first and last name.


Value: $50

Discounted: 84% off

Total Value $810

You Awakening Special offer: $127

*Plus Shipping and Handling

Domestic: US $5
International: $15


What People Are Saying About Christopher’s Divine Healing Work:

“Christopher Macklin’s work is among the most powerful and most transformational healing work I have ever encountered. I have met and worked with so many different healers because of my profession and they have all given me something important. Christopher, however, is truly unique in that his healings take place on all levels, mind, body, spirit, soul and emotion. My life started changing in the most profound and spectacular ways after I started working with him. And there were certain situations that I had sought help for from others over time that he was able to heal very quickly and permanently. I can’t recommend him enough!”

– Turiya, Wash. DC

“I am so incredibly grateful to Christopher and the Melchizedek Beings for the healing I receive. As a Star Seed, I have worked incredibly hard (and continue to do so) to raise my vibration, so I can be true to my purpose as a healer and share my gifts. However, the darker energies have interfered with my energy field and have been ready to attack/latch onto me, if my vibe dips due to something beyond my control, I am of course in human form too. It’s been a difficult path to walk, with challenge after challenge and at times I have wanted to give up, however, with the healing from the Melchizedek Beings and Christopher and using my own healing system, I know this can shift in an instant. I feel joyful and vibrant again and this has a ripple effect on the ones around me. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you dearly, fellow traveler, xoxox”

– Kam, England, UK