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Are You Ready to Embrace Multidimensional You?

Could it be that your origin might actually be another star?  If at least some part of you is intrigued by the possibility, this show is for you.  Acturus Ra came to a point in his life that he was ready to embrace his multidimensional self, and in his case, that includes the awareness of his Arcturian roots.  So what is he doing here, from a more advanced place?  Find out by joining us, and learning more about your true nature.
  • Could I be from another star system?
  • Am I here to be part of the big change coming to Earth?
  • What is my purpose and how can I be more of my multidimensional self?
  • How can I access my original gifts and capabilities?
A lucky few will be called on during this live show for some immediate feedback to these questions.

arcturus_raLearn how one person’s journey of self discovery led to the awareness of being an Extraterrestial in human form.  Now fully embracing his origin, Arcturus Ra has dedicated himself to helping others who may feel a longing for “home”, and a sense of purpose during this time of great change on Earth.  If you can relate, this call could help you reclaim more of your multidimensional self including the expansion of your knowing and gifts.


