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Becoming One with the Avatars

Join Cynthia Charis as she guides us in becoming one with the Super Beings of Divinity within us, the Avatars. These Great Beings of Light are aspects of our higher bodies of consciousness and are awaiting our return into Oneness with them. Never before have we had the possibility to merge so completely and totally with the highest potential of our greatness. We are the ones who have called this into play. As we anchored and integrated the most powerful wave of Ascension to ever hit the planet this past September, we created an unprecedented opportunity to raise the consciousness of the earth and achieve full assimilation and embodiment of our higher dimensional Selves. Now is the time to claim this gift and dare to be divine!

In this special show she will:

  • Talk about how we can claim this extraordinary opportunity and anchor our divinity into the circuitry and cells of our biology.
  • Guide us in a personal meditation to integrate the light of the Avatars within us so we can open to the possibility of embodying the full power of our Divinity and light up the world!
  • Transmit a message from the Great Beings of Light, the Avatars, that will allow each of us the opportunity to confront and dissolve any barriers that are preventing us from Being All that we can Be.
  • Help us break the spell of separation and duality so we can play in the bigger fields of Creation that allow us to experience the possibilities of miracles, grace, blessings, gifts, empowerments, transformations and healings that happen from the space of Oneness.



cynthia-charisCynthia Charis, M.S., is a transformational healer who brings the power of the quantum realms of infinite possibility and the Grace of the Divine directly into the heart and souls of those she works with through her transmissions of the Great Beings of Light, the Avatars.

She has been in deep and profound communication with these Ascended Beings of Light in the inner planes for many years. Her greatest passion has been to transmit their collective light, power and love into those who wish to awaken their higher bodies of consciousness and serve as emissaries of truth and love in the world.

Her unique ability to activate the electromagnetic pathways, or circuitry in the biology of her clients with the Light of the Divine has assisted thousands to transform their lives in remarkable and astounding ways. For the past 20 years, she has been in private practice, working with individuals, and giving talks and workshops to transmit the Light of the Divine directly into the heart, soul, and biology of her clients, gracing them with an experience of the transcendent, and a knowing that they can become Sovereign and embody the power of the Divine.