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Activate Your Crystalline Structure for Accelerated Evolution

During the talk you will:

  • Learn some of the basic theory of how this works, taking the mystery out of the mysticism.
  • Learn how to improve your Crystalline Structure.
  • Experience the flow of accelerated Divine energies flowing through your system, before and after we start the process.
  • Learn how to effect positive change in your Crystalline Structure.
  • Experience Divine Grace fully.
  •  Experience the shakti of the Divine Feminine fully.

Don’t miss this potentially life-changing opportunity.



ScottScott-Face Smith is an energy worker, master of the Core of Being, and modern day mystic.  In service to the Light, he shares his intuitive spiritual guidance and techniques for purification and healing.  Scott has studied various sacred practices to enhance his ability to serve humanity through his gifts and talents.  Scott’s studies have taken him on a mystical journey through many world religions including Judaism, Catholicism, Hinduism, the Lakota tradition, Buddhism, and Quantum Physics.

Working with Divine Love, Divine Peace, and other transformational energies, he has combined the core energetic elements common to these traditions, simplifying and unifying them into techniques for physical healing, emotional cleansing, mental focus, spiritual expansion, and deep inner peace.  His latest technique, Life Pattern Reprogramming™ (LPR™), is proving to be very helpful to people in differing ways.  It allows a person to choose how they would like various aspects of their life to unfold.  At least once in every 24 hour period, usually early in the morning, Scott goes into a deep energetic state to help all those who have requested daily healings.  He focuses on the list as a whole, areas of the world, and specific individuals as guided.