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Scott Smith’s Special Offers

me and Buddha reduced


Offer One – An Energy Transformation Session

Sessions are a wonderful way to alleviate the stresses caused by blockages or constraints within your system.  Perhaps you could use some assistance working through an issue, getting out of stagnation, or need activations.  Just sit back, relax, and allow Scott to do the work.  Sessions are scheduled at your convenience via Skype or phone.  Outside of North America, the sessions can be via Skype or landline. Please allow 90-120 minutes for your session.

“I love working with Scott in one-to-one sessions. I am a therapist and healer who is always seeking new skills and more elegant ways to help myself and my clients heal and live more connected with Source and our Higher Self.  Scott distills many spiritual and energy practices into very user-friendly effective tools for daily living and healing.  I love being able to ask him questions, have him guide me in direct experiences, and give me feedback as I do the practices in the session.  He’s like a spiritual energy personal trainer!  I find I can more quickly get a sense of when I’m effectively doing the energy work or if I need some tweaking!  Am I really in the Core of Being?!  So, I highly recommend having Scott be your guide and healing tutor!”  —  Dr. WMc  Tampa, FL


“During my telephone experience with Scott I felt clear- at one in the qualities that have inspired my life’s meditation, uniquely confident in my spiritual purpose.  I sensed the blockages to self-realization and actualization were being dissolved, like dew in sunlight – simple, just like that.  This has been an entirely satisfying experience on many levels.  I look forward to making it a part of my lifestyle; I’m happy to have an opportunity to learn and share this empowering and joyful way with others.” —  Aaron S, Petaluma, CA


“Thank you so much for the healing sessions. Your gentle love, support and generosity have been extremely helpful to me.  I have found the healing work to be very powerful. I appreciate your intuitive guidance and your ability to get to the core of the issue quickly. The energy, techniques and insights that come through you are always exactly what I need to heal that particular issue in a way that works best for me.  I also appreciate that you provide me with specific tools that I can use to continue my healing and spiritual process.  After each session, I feel more at peace, more loving, more joyous and more in touch with my true inner Presence.  You are a blessing.  Once again thank you so much.” —  Paul S Maui, HI


Retail Value $300
You Awakening Special Price $147



Offer Two – This Set of 11 Recorded Energy Sessions
6 hours and 50 minutes of energetic bliss


Retail Value $450
You Awakening Special Price $97



Bring Order and Balance Back to Your Life    0:44:28

When things in our lives seem to go out of control, or out of our control, when things become overwhelming, there are simple energetic processes that we can employ to end the chaos and confusion. To bring order and balance back into your life will add focus and clarity, a re-charging and confidence to help you stay on track, and a new/renewed clear perspective. Hitting your RESET BUTTON will start the process to bring you out of stagnation or over stimulation into a graceful call to positive action along the good Red Road, the middle way, your path and purpose in life. This meditative experience will include radiating the focused new energies now available here on Earth to help you shift and adapt to ever changing circumstances.


Preparing the Body for Energetic Change    0:34:57

Participate in spreading Divine Spiritual Energy to serve humanity and share in the universal principles of ever expanding heart energy, conscious awareness, health, and well-being while getting yourself energetically ready to accept and receive higher divine energies gracefully.

  • Would you like to raise your vibrational rate and spread higher vibrations to help raise the consciousness of everyone on the planet?
  • Do you want to enhance your life experience and share blessings with others?
  • Would you like to immerse yourself in Divine Energies that will help you prepare the way for future energetic and spiritual growth?


Global Peace, Deep Inner Peace    0:33:20

Participate in spreading Divine Peace throughout the world to help end personal, cultural, political, and religious conflict. Work with that special still point of peace within yourself, and be able to return there easily whenever you wish. Start learning the experience of being able to stay in peace regardless of whatever may occur around you.

  • Would you like to immerse yourself in deep inner peace?
  • Do you want to enhance your life experience with peace?
  • Would you like to help others live in peace?


Spiritual Growth    0:45:47

Treat yourself to the gift of experiencing your self, aligning and integrating with your Self. Sense / feel your current potential, direction, full expansion, and possibly get a glimpse of the spiritual benefits headed your way. This expanded awareness will unfold for you as you continue on your current path. Sometimes it’s nice to be aware of the Light at the end of the tunnel, to sense what’s coming, to get that confirmation and motivation, and then use this experience to readjust your steering if you sense you are drifting off course. What a gift. What an opportunity.  All you need do is choose to participate and luxuriate in the shakti.


Experiencing Joy, Spreading Joy    0:32:44

Participate in spreading Divine Joy worldwide to help enliven and lift up all peoples. Experience the difference between Happiness and Joy, and learn to return to the state of Joy, Divine Joy, whenever you wish. Start being able to see and understand things from a new perspective.

  • Would you like to help spread Joy to others?
  • Do you want to enhance your personal life with Joy?


Balance – Inner Clarity – Deciding One’s Path    0:51:45

Let’s learn to make choices from a good solid standing, firm and confident, and aligned with our soul.  With our mind, emotions, and energy all contributing in equal participation, we can teach ourselves to make better decisions and choices.  From this vantage point, we can more easily discern the value and source of our choices, and have a better understanding of the potential outcomes.  Would this benefit you?


End Suffering Now    0:35:42

Participate in spreading those necessary Divine energies worldwide to help end strife and stress, and alleviate suffering for all people. By helping others in this way, you will also break through into a magnificent suffering-free experience with the potential for ending your own suffering as well.

  • Far too many are suffering due to physical ailments, maladies, and situations. Will you help?
  • Many people are having many difficulties emotionally coping with their daily life. Will you help?
  • Many people are going through life in a state of confusion and misdirection; even a little clarity could help. Will you?


Let the Healing Begin    0:30:02

Let us all participate in spreading the necessary Divine energies to help start the process for physical, emotional, and mental well being to ourselves and worldwide. Health is so important. Join us on this relaxing, peaceful, and impacting journey.

  • Help start the process for healing physical ailments, maladies, and situations.
  • Help people trying to overcome the difficulties of coping emotionally with their daily life.
  • Help add a little clarity, starting the process to end the need for going through life in a state of confusion and misdirection.


Experience Your Possibilities    0:34:55

This session, Experience Your Possibilities, is an unique opportunity in this series. Participate in the Divine Energies as they create a safe, sacred space in which you can explore your desires, your potentials, your opportunities, and all the possibilities you allow. Like the session, Spread Your Wings, this session will build, open doors, and get you into the framework, that sacred space, where you can safely explore your self and your Self in an enveloping, unfolding state guided by you and your Higher Self. Repeat this experience, if you choose, to explore other scenarios.

  • Relax and let Divine Energies create sacred space within and release your tensions
  • Connect with your Soul, and experience whichever situations and possibilities you choose
  • Allow the Experience to unfold and take you on an inward journey.


Spiritual Oneness    0:30:59

“A hydrogen atom in a cell at the end of my nose was once part of an elephant’s trunk. A carbon atom in my cardiac muscle was once in the tail of a dinosaur.” – Jostein Gaarder

“All things share the same breath – the beast, the tree, the man, the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.” – Chief Seattle

“Ubuntu is very difficult to render into a Western language… It is to say, ‘My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in what is yours.” – Desmond Tutu

“Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion?” – Rumi

“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” – Black Elk

We invite you to experience the Spiritual Oneness of All in every thing.


Let Light into Your Life    0:35:13

“Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space.  It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe.  It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished.” – Michael Strassfeld

“People are like stained-glass windows.  They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

“Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we’ll need no other light.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?” – Maurice Freehill

Experience the Light of Spirit, the Light of All, and the Light Within.


“I have been listening to Scott’s teleseminars for several years now and have found that I have frequently needed ‘energetic reconnection’ at various times throughout the day and night to support my continued spiritual growth. I find that listening to the playbacks are particularly helpful in quickly dissolving blocks. I find Scott’s voice soothing and loving in those difficult moments of feeling alone. Just hearing Scott’s voice instantly provides me with the reassurance that I am not alone and provides me with the guidance that keeps my spiritual tools vigilant in seeking and living in truth.” —  Tony Miller, Columbus, OH


Retail Value $450
You Awakening Special Price $97
