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Scott Smith’s Special Offers

me and Buddha reduced


Offer One – An Energy Transformation Session

Sessions are a wonderful way to alleviate the stresses caused by blockages or constraints within your system.  Perhaps you could use some assistance working through an issue, getting out of stagnation, or need activations.  Just sit back, relax, and allow Scott to do the work.  Sessions are scheduled at your convenience via Skype or phone.  Outside of North America, the sessions can be via Skype or landline. Please allow 90-120 minutes for your session.

“I love working with Scott in one-to-one sessions. I am a therapist and healer who is always seeking new skills and more elegant ways to help myself and my clients heal and live more connected with Source and our Higher Self.  Scott distills many spiritual and energy practices into very user-friendly effective tools for daily living and healing.  I love being able to ask him questions, have him guide me in direct experiences, and give me feedback as I do the practices in the session.  He’s like a spiritual energy personal trainer!  I find I can more quickly get a sense of when I’m effectively doing the energy work or if I need some tweaking!  Am I really in the Core of Being?!  So, I highly recommend having Scott be your guide and healing tutor!”  —  Dr. WMc  Tampa, FL


“During my telephone experience with Scott I felt clear- at one in the qualities that have inspired my life’s meditation, uniquely confident in my spiritual purpose.  I sensed the blockages to self-realization and actualization were being dissolved, like dew in sunlight – simple, just like that.  This has been an entirely satisfying experience on many levels.  I look forward to making it a part of my lifestyle; I’m happy to have an opportunity to learn and share this empowering and joyful way with others.” —  Aaron S, Petaluma, CA


“Thank you so much for the healing sessions. Your gentle love, support and generosity have been extremely helpful to me.  I have found the healing work to be very powerful. I appreciate your intuitive guidance and your ability to get to the core of the issue quickly. The energy, techniques and insights that come through you are always exactly what I need to heal that particular issue in a way that works best for me.  I also appreciate that you provide me with specific tools that I can use to continue my healing and spiritual process.  After each session, I feel more at peace, more loving, more joyous and more in touch with my true inner Presence.  You are a blessing.  Once again thank you so much.” —  Paul S Maui, HI


Retail Value $300
You Awakening Special Price $147



Offer Two – This Set of 7 Recorded Energy Sessions
over 5 and a half hours of energetic bliss


Retail Value $450
You Awakening Special Price $97



Helping the World Accept Love               0:36:42

Participate in spreading Divine Spiritual Energy to serve humanity and share in the universal principles of ever-expanding heart energy, conscious awareness, health, and well-being.

  • Would you like to join others in expanding your capacity to love and be loved?
  • Do you want to enhance your life experience and experience the healing power of Divine Love in a safe nurturing environment?
  • Would you like to immerse yourself in an energetic spa of Divine Love?
  • Would you like to share this experience with all people?


Let the Healing Begin                              0:30:02

Let us all participate in spreading the necessary Divine energies to help start the process for physical, emotional, and mental well being to ourselves and worldwide.  Health is so important.  Join us on this relaxing, peaceful, and impacting journey.

  • Help start the process for healing physical ailments, maladies, and situations.
  • Help people trying to overcome the difficulties of coping emotionally with their daily life.
  • Help add a little clarity, starting the process to end the need for going through life in a state of confusion and misdirection.


Celebrate Life                                          0:24:29

“If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or next year…Today should always be our most wonderful day.” – Thomas Dreier

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate” – Oprah Winfrey

“Live not one’s life as though one had a thousand years, but live each day as the last.” – Marcus Aurelius Antonius

We invite you to experience the celebration of life.  Participate in working with the necessary Divine energies for ourselves and all of humanity to help create and support an attitude, sense, and continuing experience of Life as a Celebration.  Learn how to create this shift within yourself and have it manifest everyday in every aspect of your life.


Improve Your Physical Health                 1:27:55

Allow yourself to experience spiritual energy as a mender of physical health.  Starting at the sub-atomic level, we will radiate the necessary shakti into the physical part of your being.  We will focus on various bodily systems: endocrine, blood, lymph, DNA, and allow time for you to focus on any area where you sense a need for additional support.  No knowledge of anatomy is required, just an allowing for the divine energy to be guided and go where it would be of the most benefit.  As a group, we will radiate these shakti to others in need as well.  All you need do is choose to participate and luxuriate in the shakti.  This special recording is an hour and a half; please allow yourself some time.


Gratitude and Forgiveness                      0:44:39

Yes, you’ve heard it all before.  This time, let’s focus on forgiving ourselves, and sending away that coyote medicine of self sabotage.  Share in this sacred special space to choose and allow your Self to forgive your self, bringing your immortal Self in full contact with your beingness, your goals and aspirations, and your Love.  Maybe your Spiritual Guides will chime in as you begin to experience true Divine Gratitude radiating from your Higher Self throughout your entire body system.  Perhaps in the moment you will choose to reflect that gratitude outward to the appropriate people and incarnate beings in your life as well.  Let us together experience the healing nature of true Divine Forgiveness and Divine Gratitude.  Why not allow yourself this opportunity?

Highlights of this session will be:

  • Going through a simple process to truly forgive yourself, and, if you choose, others as well
  • Learn to stop allowing self sabotage in any form
  • Bare and bear your Self in a safe sacred environment to allow the healing process
  • Experience Divine Gratitude in its fullest


Navigating Through Troubled Waters      0:53:26

We have all experienced times in our life when our ship gets off course and the steering seems a bit faulty, when we can get a little off and not know which way to turn.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have something to help keep us on course, something which could steer us through good times and bad?  Ships, planes, and even rocket ships have something to keep them on course.  So do you.  Let’s learn about our inner gyroscope, and activate it to keep us on a track of Deep Inner Peace.

Highlights of this session:

  • Learn about your inner gyroscope, based in sacred geometry
  • Experience it, and choose to allow it to help you as it was designed to be
  • Clear away the bits of your energy field that do not support you on your path
  • Receive an alchemical activation of your inner gyroscope
  • Experience the Deep Inner Peace you have been striving to achieve


What’s Love Got To Do With It?              0:56:02

Divine Love heals everything.  It is a specific energy pattern and bandwidth which someday will be better understood.  Today we can Work with Divine Love and experience its effects.  The rub?  Not everyone let’s Divine Love through their crystalline structure, into their body system, and into their consciousness.  In fact, most don’t.  Observing human love, we find in our own experiences how much easier it is to love others than to allow the love from others.  Even the most loving people can have difficulty accepting love.  The same occurs with Divine Love.  We create all kinds of ways in which to dismiss it, reject it, creating the illusion, even to ourselves, that we accept Divine Love.  In this session we will create the propensity and the means for you to allow Divine Love, and truly experience it fully, completely.   [some hum in this recording, the energy is worth it]

Highlights of this session:

  • Purify the unique constrictions, obstructions, and other structures that preclude the acceptance of Divine Love, regardless of the cause
  • Gracefully introduce Divine Love into your system
  • Heal your crystalline structure to always allow Divine Love (optional)
  • Learn to focus Divine Love to effect real change in an aspect of your being
  • Experience the shakti of Divine Love fully as the wondrous gift it is


“I have been listening to Scott’s teleseminars for several years now and have found that I have frequently needed ‘energetic reconnection’ at various times throughout the day and night to support my continued spiritual growth. I find that listening to the playbacks are particularly helpful in quickly dissolving blocks. I find Scott’s voice soothing and loving in those difficult moments of feeling alone. Just hearing Scott’s voice instantly provides me with the reassurance that I am not alone and provides me with the guidance that keeps my spiritual tools vigilant in seeking and living in truth.” —  Tony Miller, Columbus, OH


Retail Value $450
You Awakening Special Price $97
