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Embodying New Earth Consciousness A path through acceptance,

grace and intuitive action.

With Swedish Spiritual Guide and Light Language Healer, Camilla KumaRa

In this Live Interview You will not only listen and take part in Camilla Kumaras view and experience on what we may call Ascension, or the Incarnated Ascension Process. How our Christ Consciousness is awakening from within. 

You will also experience the energy and channeled messages from Beloved Higher Beings of Light, that wish to step forth for the group listening. Camilla Kumara will guide us in a deep transformative meditation, make us aware of our Earth Sun Body, and the new version of grounding it stands for.

She will also bring in a beautiful spectra of Divine Cosmic Rays, including the magnificent Translucent Ray of Source Light for our own unification at the level of our Universal Gateway Chakra. 

All the way through the meditation Camilla KumaRa will transmit activating, transformative and harmonizing vibrations by toning, chanting and speaking Light Language as she is guided by her Highest Soul Aspects and Benevolent Guiding Team.

A deep experience of merging realms and dimensions, actively acknowledging our purpose with us being here on Earth at this time.     


camilla-kumara-camilla-lindeborg-almCamilla KumaRa is a Spiritual Guide and Multi-Dimensional Healer, living in Stockholm Sweden where she also grew up. She lives with her husband, two children soon to be 5 and 8 years old and divinely blessed with one more on the way. In November she will give birth to a third child, an amazing gift in a time of re-birthing a New Consciousness in the collective field.

Camilla has a unique way of transferring vibrations through Light Language that is felt on a deep soul level. Her path has opened up paths for others in a short time, connecting them back to their true voice within and to the magical realms of creation.

Camillas own words:
As a Spiritual Guide I am working in sessions through the Akashic and Cosmic Records, with Light Language Activation Codes/ Sound Healing and an important part is the group work I do and create continuously. Meditation Nights and workshops with different themes that I receive through my inner guiding. The events create beautiful energies and soul groups have found each other along the way. Meetings that create sparks all the way out in the Universe! A culture around group healing work, raising vibrations and soul meetings is quite vivid in Stockholm now. A culture and movement which I am a part of right now. The way I guide, sometimes channeling for example galactic beings, angelics or elementals/ faeries, and sometimes clearly from one of my other timelines such as an Atlantean, is to be a vessel of Source Light and the different Rays of Light to communicate with a larger audience that are open in their hearts and minds in that moment. Dimensions merge and so do we within ourselves…



